Where Will You Sit?
Where will you witness history? Our Premium Seat Memberships are fully sold out, but you can still lock in your opportunity to purchase PSLs in the New Nissan Stadium. Secure your spot in line to purchase seats by placing a $50 refundable deposit for our Priority Access Waitlist. Not ready to place a deposit? Sign up for the Standard Access Waitlist and we’ll contact you once all Priority Access Waitlist members have made an appointment at Titans House, our New Nissan Stadium experience center.

Priority Access Waitlist
Place a $50 deposit to join the Priority Access Waitlist and secure your spot in line purchase seats in the New Nissan Stadium. Priority Access Waitlist members will receive an invitation to Titans House during Wave 2 of our sales process. During your visit to Titans House, you’ll get a glimpse into various seating and hospitality options to help map out the future of your fandom.

Standard Access Waitlist
Are you interested in the New Nissan Stadium but not ready to place a deposit yet? Sign up to get on the Standard Access Waitlist— where no deposit is required. After joining, you’ll receive stadium news and ticket sales updates and, if seats still remain, you’ll be invited to visit Titans House after our Priority Access Waitlist members. If you want to secure your Titans House appointment in the future, upgrade to the Priority Access Waitlist today.

Stay Informed
Sign up to receive emails about the New Nissan Stadium — we’ll make sure you stay up-to-date on seating options, stadium news, and upcoming concert announcements!